Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Short Term Goals
Study for phsyio lab exam
notecards for psych
finish studying for art history exam
appt with Deb, Jim Drosen, and jobsearch
SAC stuff

Long Term Goals:
Figure out what I'm going to do with my life.

Peppermint Hot Cocoa

Sunday, February 25, 2007

New Start

I have this blog and I should use it for something productive. lately I feel like my life is going on this downward spiral. I really want to take back control. So from now on, I'm going to post my short term goals and long term goals every day and try to grasp whats going on around me in a more effecient way, and I figured this would be perfect since this is more or less an untouched/private area, but also somewhere I can view this and visualize what I need to do.

Short Term Goals
Study until 1am at the library
Finish studying for Art exam
Do chemistry pre lab
E-mail steve caird
Set up appt with Dr. Wong
Create student announcements
Talk to co op/babycakes about some sort of incentive for meetings
Rough outline for newsletter
Chemistry Problems, review chapter 9
Physiology flashcards

Long term goals
PEIF 3-5 times a week
Stick to Lent commitment
Attend either the stations of the cross, daily mass, or other Lent activity. Do at least 2 per week
Go to all classes
Stop eating all meats that contain growth hormones/steroids
Pray every day. Like really pray, not just a quick number before bed.
Go to the "cultural" group Thursdays at 9.
Volunteer at hospital
Study at least two hours per day
Lose 30 pounds

R.P. (I have no idea how he balances everything in his life so perfectly but I truely admire how he maintains an active academic, social, work, and spiritual life and hope that I can somehow mirror it)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Life resolution.

I just made a huge decision. I am giving up drinking for i dont know how long. Let me rephrase this. I am giving up getting drunk. I don't see the harm in having a glass of wine occassionally, or a couple of beers. I do see a problem in constantly getting trashed for no reason at all and then wonder why I got a B on an assignment. So for the rest of the semester, I am giving up getting drunk. Maybe it will be for only a semester, maybe it will be a life decision, but I am finally recognizing the importance of setting limits.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A letter

Dear computer,

Please do not update yourself anymore. When you do this, I not only get confused, but also very frustrated. I do not know how to work your new version of Internet Explorer. I also don't know why you keep hotfixing me. I do know that I am tired of you taking it upon yourself to create changes that I simply do not understand. Please return to your previous state.

Your loving owner,

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Top 10

So i've been talking about music a lot lately with a friend and it made me decide to figure out what my top 10 favorite songs are of all time. So here they are.

1. Mineral-February
*This has been my favorite song for....6 years I think. Mineral is like the most amazing band ever. So good they're on here twice.
2. Elton John- Levon
*One of the best songs ever written.
3. Alkaline Trio- Radio
4. Mineral- Gloria
5. Mazzy Star- Fade into you
6. The Spill Canvas- The Night Will Go as Follows
7. Simon & Garfunkel- The Only Living Boy in New York
*Yeah so I'm an old woman. I love Simon & Garfunkel.
8. Snow Patrol- How to be Dead
9. Eisley- Telescope Eyes
10. Radiohead- Lucky

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The christmas loot

Christmas around my house is always fun. My mom freaks out and cancels Christmas at least twice because my dad is too busy watching football to put little toothpicks it cubes of cheese and audrey is busy peeling back wrapping paper on gifts with her name on them when she thinks no one is looking. I'm usually stuck in the kitchen, watching my mom mix a deadly combination of whipped cream, pineapple, apples, grapes, marshmallows, and sour cream, then call it ambrosia....and then three days later i'm stuck holding my nose closed with one hand while i try to rake it out while not letting any of it touch me. Then the sisters get here, whine until we get to open presents, even though everyone knows what they got because my mom cannot keep a secret. Don't get me wrong, i love love looove Christmas with my family. They're just very eccentric.

I got great stuff though. A dvd/vcr combo, all in one printer, PEARLS. yup. Then comes the yanno....undesirables. My mom bought me a button maker. Because when i was 13 i wanted one more than anything. So now I can write things like, "i'm bringing sexy back" and then pin it to my backpack. She bought me this because wal mat was out of bedazzlers. I kid you not. I came thisclose to getting a bedazzler. Then there is the Adventures of the Human Body set i got. This sounds like a great gift for a pre-med student...except it was made the same day that God made Adam. I'm not even sure all organs, bones, etc are accounted for in this....set. It was a result of my mom's new eBay obsession.

the only thing that could have possibly topped this would be a "Buy the sweater, get the elbow patches....FOR FREE...We'll even sew them on for you" deal.

tu es ethan frome.

New Years Resolutions
-No lusting after TAs
-Reduce drinking to once every two weeks.
-Stop spendning 500 dollars a semester on coffee.
-Take multi-vitamin every day.
-Attend mass every week
-No skipping any classes.

Compaint un:
I hate when you're in a store, working or shopping, and there is a child who will not stop screaming and crying. And the parents just ignore it. Like their kid is not in...oh lets say...Youkners screaming their head off about some toy car that they'll probably break as soon as they get home. Do they not realize that there are other people in the store, people who may or may not have severe migraines, who kind of want to shoot themselves in the face because their kid will not stop screaming.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

je suis fatigue

This is ridiculous people. It's nessa that you realize it's ridiculous.

1. Just finished my last final. Will end up taking an oral exam, i'm sure.
2. I'm an awful person.
3. I think love affairs are interesting, which makes me an awful girlfriend. Even though I haven't partaken in said love affairs.
4. I'm infatuated with Edie Sedgwick for some reason.
5. I went to bed at 3 and woke up at 6. Number 3 repeat.
6. Lindsay Lohan hasn't had a drink in 7 days. I have. Does this mean I'm a bigger partier than LiLo?
7. Sweet Caroline has been playing on repeat in my head for like a week. Shoot me someone.
8. Sweetdreams and mamasboy are not the same thing.
9. I'm sleepy.
10. I'm going to miss everyone so much and the next month is going to be awful because everyone i like to be around is leaving and I think that is the saddest thing in the entire world.