Sunday, October 22, 2006

le tigre

So the tigers won. Thanks to me.

It was discovered last night that I am a jinx for the Tigers. You're probably thinking, Mary you so crazy. But its true. I've never seen a game where the Tigers won. I've probably been to 10 tigers games in my life, never once did they win. Last night, I turn on the game to try to spot my good friend John, who was there. As soon as the TV is on, the Cardinals score...6 times. Eventually I put things together and turned the TV off, just in time for us to score 1 final run before losing. Tonight, I vowed to stay away from the baseball...not like it's hard anyways. I did so well, until John calls and I'm listening to the end of the game....when suddenly, out of nowhere, the Cardinals score. Yeah. Thats right. I got off the phone to prevent further damage.

It's not such a bad thing though. Now, I will never ever be forced to endure a boring baseball game.

ps. I hate the long term effects of lattes. It's great when I'm dozing at the library, not so great at 1:30 when sleep isn't being accomplished.

pps. Why was that couch so comfortable in the UC today? Shame on me for falling asleep in public. Oh the things that could have went wrong.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

So fun.

I love dancing. I danced last night at Upfront and today at 231 and it was so much fun. I feel like the biggest slacker this semester because I have too much free time. I'm going to do more volunteering.

Oh, and I like Mexican food. It's delicious. And I like coffee, but I need to drink it less.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Nervous Tic Motion.

I have Four freckles. Four. I love each one deeply, and equally. I'm an equal opportunity freckle owner.

Ps. Ex's are ex's for a reason. They should comprehend this simple logic and learn to stay away.

PPS. I loove Andrew Bird and I think I might walk downtown for fun and studies.

PPPS. Spell check people. For the love of God spell check.